

We value the source

Morning Moose has recently joined the Rainforest Alliance. Together, we work with farmers to produce the highest quality coffee sustainably. W share many of the same goals and principles as other responsible sourcing programs.

However, in addition to sustainability criteria, we add quality and productivity dimension to sustainability. We seek out responsible farmers, who produce coffee that is friendly to both our taste buds and the environment. This is why we provide farmers support, training and technical assistance to improve their performance.


Supporting and investing in coffee growing regions


To guarantee that farmers are paid a fair price, we are paying premiums for both quality and sustainability. The premium is around 30% to 40% above the standard market price for coffee and 10% to 15% above coffees of similar quality.

Of course it is about much more than paying a premium. It is about building partnerships and providing long-term support, which is done, through the training and technical assistance provided by Morning Moose and our partners. We also make direct investments in a wide range of projects including building processing centers, providing financial training for farmers, and building a database to track quality and progress.

Sometimes development projects forget the market demand side but by working with us, farmers are more willing to invest in sustainability and quality. They see that there is a market for their product and that we are committed to buying and paying a premium price for their coffee.

Through this partnership we are able to bring technical assistance and services to farmers that could not afford it. The results are very positive. We see improvement in farmer income, farm performance and sustainability.
