
general information

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find the nutritional/allergy information?
We have a special detailed menu available in our store that lists all allergens and nutritional values. Unfortunately this information isn’t available online yet.

Does Morning Moose have a drive thru?
Yes, we do! If you drive past the front door it’s around the corner.

Do you have any sugar free options available?
All of our flavoured syrups are available in sugar free versions. (Vanilla, caramel, hazelnut and chocolate)

Do you offer any lactose free options?
You can customise your order with lactose free milk, almond milk or soy milk.

What about low fat?
We have 2% milk, low fat milk and reduced fat cream available.

Is it optional to register your loyalty card?
Yes, you can choose to own a registered or an anonymous card.
